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Tech specialists outstaffing:
ins and outs overview

In the modern tech business world the level of competition has reached such a level that finding talented tech personnel may take months and even ages. For those who understand the value of a company's time and money, the business world has offered such service as IT outstaffing. To put it in a nutshell, this service allows you to promptly fill the gaps in your tech department in order to reduce idle time and fulfil the tasks to stick to project sprints, releases and timelines without directly hiring employees. Let's cover what exactly IT outstaffing is, what particular aspects this service has and how it can help businesses meet their HR needs.
Think of a company scaling up its business, restructuring the processes of launching a new product. It goes without saying that all of these processes require additional human resources. Such situation is unlikely to be solved in a short time as, in most cases, during such radical changes in the company, first who you'll be looking for is not freshmen who require additional training but rather highly experienced techies.
In this case, engineers and developers outstaffing perfectly solves this challenge. You list a number of requirements for the future employees and hand them to the recruitment agency (just like us) which provides you the right people for your business needs. These employees are transferred to your in-house team working together side by side. To put it shorter, you "rent" them for a specific period of time.
Quick fact: with our vast database of 1M+ candidates, in 9 out of 10 cases we provide candidates within 1-2 days.
IT Outstaffing: pros and cons
Let's begin with the strong sides of outstaffing:
You're getting professionals with the profound knowledge of the field into your talent pool without spending time on HR processes;
New employees are officially hired by the vendor which eliminates any monkey business where the reputation of the company is concerned;
Tax and social payments are covered by the vendor and that significantly lowers business expenses and reduces pressure put on HR department;
When you outstaff tech personnel, you only work with those employees which meet the requirements of a specific project (e.g. you need only five Java and ten PHP devs and you get them). They are ready to start the very next day without affecting the launch deadlines;
In comparison to outsourcing, the outstaffed employees are joining your in-house team and premises. This process mitigates IT service maintenance costs as well as halting business processes;
Outstaffing fosters scalability of the business increasing the work pace, thus, boosting the profit of the company.

The number of disadvantages is far more less, besides, they mostly arise if the outstaffing company (or vendor) offers shady deals. For instance, a vendor quite unexpectedly alters the fees for the involved employees, or you find out there's a special "fee" for prolonging the "rental" contract. Another shady move can be not paying the taxes for the outstaffed personnel or delaying the payments which later may cause severe issues with the law.
The consequences of such cooperation can be drastic, that is why it is essential to be very cautious when choosing your future partner.
What is in outstaffing for the techies?
In the outstaffing sphere, the possibilities to find a job with a salary corresponding to the level of knowledge and skills of the candidate are much vaster. At the same time, the interview and testing are carried out once, but you can work for a long or medium term in different companies subsequently. For many job seekers, such a perspective is more appealing than working on the same product for years.
The disadvantages of outstaffing for tech specialists are also related to unethical outstaffing companies. Therefore, candidates need to carefully read the contract and ask all the questions about the specifics of such cooperation.
Which companies win from tech outstaffing?
Such a cooperation model is gaining momentum and, according to experts, will soon replace outsourcing. So who is outstaffing best for and when?
For tech companies which are about to reinforce the team and test working hypothesis - e.g. there's a feature to be developed to run A/B tests for the future releases;
For those companies with small tech departments and that are short-handed not being able to develop digital products;
For those companies wanting to implement high-tech solutions in a specific niche, however, in-house team lacks such experience;
For those companies who already have a business plan of a project, its milestones and deadlines, who are looking forward to hasting the workflow to level up ROI or remedy the business processes;
There's an urgent need of implementing a project which is on fire.
If you are looking for highly qualified tech specialists to work under an outstaffing agreement, feel free to contact Selecty.io. Our experts have more than 10 years of practical experience in tech talent acquisition and will cater for your business needs.
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