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Consent to the processing of personal data

Herewith in accordance with the Federal Law No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data" of 27.07.2006 I freely, willingly and in my own interest, express my unconditional consent to the processing of my personal data by Selecty LLC (OGRN 1177746962579, INN 7736313541), registered in accordance with Russian Federation legislation at the address: 115035, Moscow, internal territory Zamoskvorechye municipal district, Sadovnicheskaya str., 14, p. 2, floor 6, room I, room 1, office 602, INN. 1, office 602, INN 7736313541 (hereinafter referred to as the Operator). Personal data is any information relating to a directly or indirectly identified or identifiable natural person (personal data subject).

1. This Consent is given by me to process the following personal data:

the surname, first name, patronymic;

contact number;

email address;

user data (pages visited; number of pages visited; information on navigating through the pages of the website; duration of the user session; entry points (third party websites from which the user links to the Site); exit points (links on the Site from which the user links to third party websites); IP address; user country; user region; time zone set on the user device; user browser;

other additional personal data that the applicant considers necessary to provide about him/herself.

2. Consent is given to the Operator to perform the following actions with my personal data using automated and/or non-automated means: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, modification), extraction, use, transfer (provision, access), blocking, deletion, destruction, as well as performing any other actions provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation both by non-automated and automated means; recording on electronic media and their storage; storage of my personal data for a period of 5 years or until I withdraw my consent; other processing of my personal data received during the period of providing me services in accordance with the purposes of personal data processing specified in clause 4 and the Federal Law of 27.07.2006 No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data".

3. This consent is given to the Operator to process my personal data for the purposes of communication between me and the Company.

4. This consent shall be valid until revoked.

5. Consent may be withdrawn at the will of the subject by submitting a Request for Withdrawal of Consent to the Company. In doing so, the Request shall contain:

User's full name, email address and mobile phone number

Purpose (or purposes) of personal data processing for which the user withdraws consent

The user may withdraw their consent in writing (in hard copy) at a Company office or by post to a Russian post office.

A Request to withdraw consent electronically may be sent by the User by e-mail to privacy@selecty.ru.

6. If I withdraw my consent to process my personal data, the Operator may continue to process my personal data without my consent for the reasons specified in clauses 2 - 11 of part 1 of Article 6, part 2 of Article 10 and part 2 of Article 11 of Federal Law № 152-FZ "On Personal Data" dated 27.07.2006.