Сurrent vacancies
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Perpetual learning and skill sharing is key to our success, so we frequently organize events for our partners and seminars for our teams
Our latest events
  • May 23
    Automation of recruitment processes
    Automation of recruitment processes, or when Google Disk, Excel, and E-staff are no longer sufficient.
  • September 12
    Intangible motivation in IT
    Tangible and intangible ways of motivating IT employees, focusing on the significance
    of the latter.
  • March 14
    Testing in recruiting
    Selecty case: admission process to our company, and what we get out of it.
  • December 5
    Recruiter - where to find and how to train?
    Insights on how to systematically approach the development of customer's recruitment skills. "Hunting" talented IT recruiters: does it make sense?