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Career counseling:
A first step towards success

Career counseling is a service that assists people in starting, changing, or advancing their professional paths. A big part of it is one-on-one interactions between a counselor and a job seeker, as well as evaluations, exercises, and projects geared to assist career searchers in maximizing their abilities.
A career counselor's clients may seek advice on their current job hunt, insight into a mid-career industry move, or general professional development help. Their job is to assist you in understanding your alternatives and evaluating difficult professional decisions.

Taking into account the projected job growth in areas ranging from manufacturing to healthcare and technological advancement in many fields now may be an excellent moment to seek career guidance.
That way, you can discover your potential with the help of an experienced mentor while also preparing for an ever-changing professional world.
Five signs that career counseling is for you
Let's begin with the strong sides of outstaffing:
You don't know where to begin.
Common crossroad situation that usually occurs after graduation or when picking a major. A career counselor can provide the necessary resources and advice to help you get started and make a decision.
You are dissatisfied with your profession.
A career counselor might be able to offer you some options that you haven't considered or suggest switching your field of work entirely. Sometimes, getting a different perspective can reveal new opportunities and help you find your professional passion.
You are feeling stuck in your career.
Sometimes you feel like you've planned out your professional journey, but while progressing through it, you lose interest in the long-term goals. This often signals that you might need to rethink your career path and choose a different direction. Career counselors can assist you in that process.
You want to advance in your current position and require guidance.
Job counseling can also be beneficial when you want to maximize your potential and get the most out of your current employment.
You want to work in a different country.
Frequently, professionals with vast experience and skills in their field need an understanding of the new job market. Uprooting your whole life and moving to a new place can be confusing and complicated. In that case, career counselors can assist job seekers in their search, help them adjust, and provide the necessary information to evaluate the offers and make the right decision.
Five stages of career counseling
To understand precisely what career counseling can help you with, it is best to learn about the process and
what it entails.

Usually, it can be broken down into five stages:
Stage one: Getting to know you.
This is the introductory stage of your counseling, where you will meet your advisor and get to know each other. At this point, it is crucial to begin developing a connection with your selected mentor or coach. If you don't feel comfortable sharing and being open with your counselor, you should try looking for another one. Establishing a connection and understanding with your advisor is vital in the early stages of the process.
In order to get the most out of career counseling, your advisor needs all the necessary data to help you. This can be done via different approaches. However, most commonly, it requires filling out some questionnaires and forms. This crucial part of the process is necessary, as your counselor needs to understand not just who you are but also your path, way of thinking, and potential.
  • Daniel Yakovlev
    When choosing a consultant, you should pay close attention not only to their professional experience and skills but also to their personal qualities, values, and ability to work with various human personality types and people of different backgrounds. We at Selecty recommend clarifying the key points in advance, considering the result of the consultation directly depends on them.
Stage two: Exploration

During this stage, more in-depth analytical work takes place. Sessions include behavioral assessments, personality tests, and detailed discussions about your career path, interests, and goals. By the end of this stage, your counselor should be able to suggest career options and directions you can explore.
Stage three: Decision making.

This stage's goal is to narrow the scope of possibilities based on the counselor's evaluation, thus giving you several options to choose from. Your decision, guided by the advisor's evaluation, should be uncomplicated and honest. If you still have some doubts or questions, you need to talk them out before you make your choice.

Stage four: Preparation.

Once the decision has been made, you must develop a plan and a roadmap to your career destination. With the help of your counselor, you will set several goals and determine a timeline. Your advisor will provide you with the necessary resources and a backup plan.

Stage five: Implementation.

Your hard work and planning will be put to the test at this stage. This is the time for action. Remember your goals, deadlines, and everything you've learned during the sessions.
Seeking career counseling services can feel like an ordeal. However, doing so can help in many ways. Professional assistance can save you a lot of wasted resources, give you a clear understanding of your strengths and skills, and give you a new perspective. At the same time, employers are much more favorable towards candidates that can sensibly assess their value and potential in the field.
Contact Selecty today and our team of experts can answer all your questions regarding career counseling. We are ready to help you get started on the path to your dream job!
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